Our Impact
Small Organization grants support nonprofit organizations with budgets of $150,000 or less.
Deadline: January 28, 2025
Vessels of the Living Water leveraged Community Foundation funds to inspire and encourage at-risk girls through journaling and mentoring. Some of the journaling has been turned into short self-published books.
The Empowered Kitchen provides mentoring and training to local women to help them transform culinary skills into thriving businesses. With help from the Community Foundation, they’re bringing powerful change and new opportunities to underserved areas.
Heart for Children served over 75 students and families with food, personal hygiene products and school supplies. Based in the Eastside, the nonprofit provides safe and nurturing environments for at-risk youth.
“If we bring these businesses into our community, we’re changing lives beyond the women we’re helping.”
– Chef Chriss Brown, Founder, The Empowered Kitchen
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Support Small Organization Grants through our Community Endowment Fund. Donate today, or learn more and apply for a Small Organization Grant.