Our Board of Trustees is deeply committed to the vision of stimulating philanthropy to build a better community. They generously contribute their time and talents to ensure that The Community Foundation grows and prospers so that Northeast Florida can benefit, forever. The full Board meets four times a year and the Audit, Finance, Investment, Governance, Program & Initiatives, and Program-Related Investments committees meet at least quarterly as well.
Michael DuBow, Chair
DuBow Family Foundation
Carol J. Alexander
President & Chief Creative Officer, MaBu: A Cultural Resource
Martha Frye Baker
Community Volunteer
Dr. Solomon (Sol) G. Brotman
Senior Healthcare Consultant
The Honorable Brian J. Davis
U.S. District Court Judge
George M. Egan
President & CEO, Reinhold Corporation
John Hirabayashi
Retired Credit Union Executive
Michael Meyers
Community Volunteer/Retired Attorney
Velma Monteiro-Tribble
Retired Senior Director, Foundation Community Investments Florida Blue Foundation
John Peyton
President, GATE Petroleum Company
Lauren Rueger
Communications Consultant
George E. “Buddy” Schulz Jr.
Richard L. Sisisky
President/Owner, The Shircliff & Sisisky Company
Amy Wacaster
Community Leader
R. Halsey Wise
Chairman & CEO, AfterNext HealthTech
*James L. Ade
*Ed Austin
*Ann M. Baker
C. R. Belton
William B. Bond
*Guy W. Botts
Bruce Bower
*William Brinton
*J. S. “Shep” Bryan
Jacob F. Bryan, IV
Peggy Bryan
*Doris N. Carson
Frank Cerveny
*Isabelle T. Davis
Lawrence J. DuBow
Deb Pass Durham
Cynthia Edelman
Albert D. Ernest
Michael W. Fisher
*Eleanor Gay
*Bernard V. Gregory
Barbara Harrell
*William K. Hatcher
*Robert Helms
*David M. Hicks
Robert Hill
Byron E. Hodnett
Charles D. Hyman
Hugh Jones
*Frances B. Kinne
*Edward W. Lane
Helen M. Lane
Wilford C. Lyon
*Thomas R. McGehee, Sr.
Charles B. McIntosh
*Max Michael
*James F. Moseley
Joan Newton
Duane L. Ottenstroer
Willard Payne
Paul Perez
C. Daniel Rice
Susan Remmer Ryzewic
Madeline Scales-Taylor
William E. Scheu
Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger
Ryan Schwartz
*Robert T. Shircliff
*Richard G. Skinner
Martin E. “Hap” Stein
Julia Taylor
John D. Uible
James Van Vleck
B. J. Walker
Dori Walton
Delores Barr Weaver
Tracey Westbrook
Courtenay S. Wilson
*Jim Winston
Barbara Harrell