About Us
Generous giving and prudent investing have grown your community foundation to more than $650 million in total assets, and provided more than $750 million in total grants since our beginning. We understand and take seriously our responsibility to carefully manage and invest these assets to meet your philanthropic goals now and permanently into the future.
The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida is the steward for all Donor Funds. Our Board of Trustees has the ultimate fiduciary responsibility and entrusts the Investment Committee with ensuring that all assets invested are consistent with the policies and objectives of the Foundation. This Committee works closely with The Community Foundation’s investment advisors and staff to recommend policy, develop and implement strategy, review and evaluate investment results, and continually monitor The Community Foundation’s investment program. To learn about our investment philosophy, investment options for donors and investment performance, please visit our Investments page.
In addition to prudent investing, the Foundation leverages the generosity of its donors by carefully managing expenses.
More than 85% of The Community Foundation’s assets are invested.
Grants to nonprofits made up more than 90 percent of expenditures at The Community Foundation, according to our 2023 audit.
Financial and Corporate Documents (All documents are PDFs)
Foundation Policies (All documents are PDFs)
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